Monday 11 August 2014

What's Happening Week 4 Term 3?

Each week seems to fly by faster than the last.  Week 4 already. Thank you to everyone who visited the Book Fair and made purchases.  We have a tidy sum of money with which to purchase new texts for the library.  Congratulations Zaria, the Room 3 winner of the "guess the number of bugs in the jar" competition.

Our class led Monday morning prayer, thank you Tadhg, Zaria and Sully for your contribution. Our leading of the song was outstanding.  Well done everyone, I felt very proud of you.  Remember, parents are always welcome to join us at 9:00 in the church on Mondays.

Along with Rooms 1 and 2 we are starting Discovery Time this week on Thinking about Music and Sound. We will be planning and creating musical instruments from old or recycled material, experimenting with sound and making music.  Could people please bring clean plastic, cardboard, wooden material to school that would be suitable for instruments.  Thank you to those who have already sent bits and pieces from my request at the end of last term. Also is there anyone who would be able to come and teach a group of children ukelele for the next 4 weeks?

This Wednesday afternoon there is an Open Day starting at 1.30 in the hall for prospective preschoolers and their parents. Reuben will greet everyone then the Kapahaka group will welcome the visitors with a waiata. Tadhg will represent the junior school and present his eisteddfod poem. 

PMP/PE will be at the normal time.  If there any extra  parents that are able to help for PMP this week it would be much appreciated.  Please let Julie know.

Friday is the Feast of the Assumption. There will be a short Liturgy in the hall at 9:00am.  Everyone is welcome.

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