Monday 18 August 2014

What's happening Week 5 Term 3

Thank you to those people who have brought bits and pieces for our musical instrument making.  If anyone has access to beer bottle tops or old broom handles I would be grateful as we could make some "speightophones"!!  Remember that the theme is "New From Old".  We can be as creative as anything.
On Thursday we looked at a few ideas on making instruments on the internet and talked about the sound being made by shaking, hitting, plucking, strumming, blowing, rattling - they came up with lots of ideas - check out the Discovery Board in Room 2.  We are now the inventors.  Once the instruments are designed and made, we need to make some music so will be writing songs, putting together percussion rhythms etc - there is also Garage Band on the computers.
As part of being creative designers we are designing "Dog Minding Machines" - our visualisation of this week's poem.  Yes those of you with dogs will need one of these.  What amazing ideas and it is only day 1.
Skipping: an information sheet about Jump Rope For Heart will come home this week.  There will be further information in the newsletter. The date for our "Jump Off" is 1st September so all classes are teaching skipping skills for fitness and many children are skipping away their play and lunch times. We have all improved so much since we started last week.  If anyone has their own rope at home, it would be good if they could bring it.
Friday Mass: Room 3 & 4 will be leading the Friday mass at 12:00 in the church.  Thank you Joshua for taking part in Sunday's mass - the offertory.
Assembly: 2:10 led by Room 5.
Musical: we are all working hard on learning the songs for this.  This week the first song will come home for everyone to learn by heart - many will already know it.  The new performance date is Thursday 16th October 6pm at the Alexandra Memorial Theatre. With our growth in numbers we just can't fit everyone into the hall.  We were unable to make a booking at the theatre this term owing to the Blossom Festival musical.


  1. Reading every night please.  Great to have so many read before school - many of these people are really flying with their reading.  Keep this up.
  2. Spelling long 'a' pattern again this week for most groups - get your child to show you the long 'a' spelling pattern in each word. Be sure to say, tool, listen and record each word each day.  This is not about learning the words by heart but is about having a strategy to spell words.
  3. Mihimihi will come home in books this week.  Year 3 need to try and know theirs by heart before camp.  Year 2 are amazing as they are managing to say the year 3 mihimihi which is a progression from the year 2 version.

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